October 18, 2010

Today is the 18th. 18 is my favorite number. My middle name is "Hy," the shortened version of my Grandpa Hyman Dennenberg's name. It is the Hebrew word for "life" and I've always appreciated carrying that kind of presence around with me. 

This word is represented by two letters in the Aleph-Bet, "hay" and "yud" and those numbers are, in turn, represented by the numbers 8 and 10, which added together become 18, hence the symbolism of the number 18 in the Jewish culture.

It's the day I choose to begin anew. It's the day I set intentions to see pivotal changes in my life or to even change ingrained habits that aren't necessarily the healthiest. It's my soccer jersey number. And today, it happens to be the day I was granted an educational stipend through Campus Compact/Americorp's Students in Service Program! This is my first educational scholarship since high school and for that I am incredibly grateful.   

For more information on the background of this number: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chai_%28symbol%29